Kim Kardashian’s Skims collection recently launched a bra from their new line with a bold feature—a built-in nipple detail that sold out online, earning it the nickname “boob job bra.” The bra promises the perfect fullness, enhanced shape, and an authentic augmentation with a perky, braless look. Kim framed it as a solution to global warming, claiming it ensures you always look cold no matter the temperature.
The bra, dubbed the Ultimate Nipple Bra, made headlines for its unique design and garnered praise, even from Whoopi Goldberg. However, Greenpeace criticized Kardashian for using climate change as a “punchline” in the ad, accusing her of exploiting the crisis for profit. The environmental group argued that the bra’s promotion diverted attention from more impactful actions against climate change, labeling it as greenwashing. Despite Kim’s promise to donate 10% of proceeds to One Percent for the Planet, Greenpeace deemed it “alarmingly vague.”
The controversy sparked a debate, with some expressing outrage at Kardashian’s sarcastic tone in the ad, finding it inconsistent with her claims about caring for the environment. The bra is currently waitlisted, adding fuel to the discussion around the intersection of fashion, celebrity, and climate activism.
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